The doctor’s visit that left me speechless

A few years ago, I found myself in my doctor’s office more often than I would want to admit…
👩⚕I was experiencing distressing symptoms that I had never encountered before — acute nosebleeds, skin issues, hair loss, migraines, & cellulitis. It was alarming & scary. Finally, after multiple consultations, the Dr took a long look at me & began writing in her prescription pad. She tore it off, handed it to me & it read “This patient is disabled from all duties for 1 month”.
She realized that all of these physical ailments were actually symptoms of being over-committed, overwhelmed, and over-caffeinated — WAY over-caffeinated. ☕😯

Immediately, I wanted to contest it… but I didn’t… And as I drove home I mulled over her diagnosis. I tried to comprehend how my physical health could possibly be SO affected by my ambition and hard work.
And then I received a call — one of the best phone calls I had ever received. I had chosen as a 40-under-40 award winner! I was ecstatic! All my hard work was being recognized & celebrated by my community!
And then I became conflicted. The very efforts that the world was now rewarded me for, were the same efforts that were deteriorating my physical health. I was being rewarded for over-capacitating myself.
🌎🙃Doesn’t the world work in strange ways?
So immediately I called the doctor’s office back & began to negotiate. 🤦♀

My busy mind couldn’t comprehend a whole month off after this exciting news, and in that state, I agreed to take ONE WEEK off instead of a month 🤦♀🤦♀🤦♀
BUT I took that week seriously & I spent the week in deep self-reflection. I really took a deep look at how I was operating & how I needed to change.
I knew I didn’t want to be at the mercy of other people’s commitments or requests. I knew that I didn’t want to go home every day hoping it would just have enough energy to read my kids a book without wanting to take a nap instead.
That was not the life I wanted.
And I knew I wasn’t the only one suffering from this, & living this life of depletion & overexertion.
So I began a journey of research, observation, & discussion to find an answer— and that is where Capacity Creator was born.

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Overwhelmed by choice, options and opportunities? Start here!

As a sign-up bonus, you'll receive a Capacity Discovery Resource to help you work through each layer of my EGOCAKE structure. It's a great start to better understanding where you may need to start paying a little more attention! I hope you're respecting your capacity today!

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Respect your capacity and be even more of what you want.

Grateful to have you as part of the Capacity Creator Community! So much to learn and share around here! In respecting your capacity, I will be sending you something once a week only. It will always be with the intent of freeing you up and helping you learn something new!

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Soft Skills Certificate Pre-Registration

Thank you for your interest in the SOFT SKILLS CERTIFICATE program!

This fast and engaging way to increase self awareness and how to deal with difficult personalities styles. 


There are 3 parts of this training:

1) Assessing Your Impact vs. Your Intent (Personality Styles)

2) What is Your Emotional Intelligence Score? (EQ)

3) Mindfulness for Improved Focus and Productivity (Capacity Building)


After the session you will leave with new tools and strategies to apply immediately at home and at the office!


After the intensive seminar, you will receive a Personalized Soft Skills Certificate. 



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Saying YES to this free virtual class is a good idea! 

Here are 2 solid reasons:

1) It will offer you formulas to optimize your capacity, leaving you feeling confident about all of the options and obligations thrown at you every single day!
2) Share the most up to date research, statistics, stories and resources that are yours to keep and apply to your life as you deconstruct the habits and decision making patterns you may not be aware of! 

Subscribe below to save your seat!

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Create the space to do more of what you love.


This course will offer you tools and frameworks to shift your mindset from over-committing to saying "no" with confidence and peace of mind.
Your capacity is precious, so it's time to pace yourself. Preserve it and allocate it the way you want. 
So excited for what you will discover! 

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