A few years ago, I found myself in my doctor’s office more often than I would want to admit…
I was experiencing distressing symptoms that I had never encountered before — acute nosebleeds, skin issues, hair loss, migraines, & cellulitis. It was alarming & scary. Finally, after multiple consultations, the Dr took a long look at me & began writing in her prescription pad. She tore it off, handed it to me & it read “This patient is disabled from all duties for 1 month”.
She realized that all of these physical ailments were actually symptoms of being over-committed, overwhelmed, and over-caffeinated — WAY over-caffeinated.
Immediately, I wanted to contest it… but I didn’t… And as I drove home I mulled over her diagnosis. I tried to comprehend how my physical health could possibly be SO affected by my ambition and hard work.
And then I received a call — one of the best phone calls I had ever received. I had chosen as a 40-under-40 award winner! I was ecstatic! All my hard work was being recognized & celebrated by my community!
And then I became conflicted. The very efforts that the world was now rewarded me for, were the same efforts that were deteriorating my physical health. I was being rewarded for over-capacitating myself.Doesn’t the world work in strange ways?
So immediately I called the doctor’s office back & began to negotiate.
My busy mind couldn’t comprehend a whole month off after this exciting news, and in that state, I agreed to take ONE WEEK off instead of a month
BUT I took that week seriously & I spent the week in deep self-reflection. I really took a deep look at how I was operating & how I needed to change.
I knew I didn’t want to be at the mercy of other people’s commitments or requests. I knew that I didn’t want to go home every day hoping it would just have enough energy to read my kids a book without wanting to take a nap instead.
That was not the life I wanted.
And I knew I wasn’t the only one suffering from this, & living this life of depletion & overexertion.
So I began a journey of research, observation, & discussion to find an answer— and that is where Capacity Creator was born.